Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert History 2025

This guide is for students who will finish their Leaving Cert in 2025.
If you are sitting the Leaving Cert in 2026, please refer to History 2026.
General study and exam tips
Course layout
Study and revision tips
Exam timing
Section 1: Answering Document-based Questions
Assessing the sources
General skills for answering questions
Question 1: Comprehension
Question 2: Comparison
Question 3: Criticism
Question 4: Context
Section 1: Document Case Study
Stalin’s show trials
The Nuremberg Rallies
The Jarrow March
Question 4 mini essay sample answer: What did the Nuremberg Rallies contribute to Nazi propaganda? (2016)
Sections 2 and 3: Essay Writing
Essay skills
Planning and laying out an essay
Other tips and tricks
Sample plan (What was the impact on Northern Ireland of international developments during the period 1932 – 1945)
Section 2: Irish History
Topic 1: Ireland and the Union, 1815 – 1870
Economy and Society
Politics and Administration
Religion, Culture and Science
Sample essays
What were the responses of Charles Trevelyan and/or Asenath Nicholson to Famine in Ireland? (2017)
What were the aims of Daniel O’Connell and to what extent did he achieve them? (2016)
Topic 2: Movements for political and social reform.
Politics and Administration
Religion, Culture and Science
Economy and Society
Sample essay
How did Unionism develop during the period 1886 – 1914? (2011)
What did one or more of the following contribute to cultural revival during the period 1870- 1914: the GAA; the Gaelic League; the Anglo-Irish Literary Revival? (2012)
Topic 3: The pursuit of sovereignty and the impact of partition.
Politics and Administration
Religion, Culture and Science
Economy and Society
Sample Essay:
What was the significance of the Eucharistic Congress, 1932?
How did Anglo-Irish relations develop during the years 1922-1945? (2019)
How did the Irish government contribute to the consolidation of democracy, 1922-1932? (2011)
How did the threat and use of physical force affect Ireland during the period 1912-1923? (2013)
Why were both the terms and negotiations of the Anglo-Irish treaty controversial? (2021)
What did one or more of the following contribute to Irish affairs: (Michael Collins)
How successful were the economic and social policies of Fianna Fail under de Valera between 1932 and 1937?
Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland
Politics and Administration
Religion, Culture and Science
Economy and Society
Topic 6: Government, economy and society in the Republic of Ireland, 1949 – 1989:
The First Inter-Party Government
Ireland in the 1950s
Ireland in the 1960s
The National Coalition, 1973 – 1977
Changing Governments in the late 70s and early 80s
The Fine Gael-Labour Coalition of the 1980s
Fianna Fáil in Coalition
Sample essay
How did Anglo-Irish relations develop during the period 1949-1989? (2012)
Section 3: Europe and the Wider World
Topic 3: Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe
Communism in Russia
Sample essay:
How effective were Stalin’s moves for change during his time as leader of Russia?
The rise of Fascism (Italy and Germany)
Sample essay:
How did dictators use propaganda and/or terror to maintain their power?
What were the main characteristics of Fascist regimes in Europe, 1920 – 1945 (2023)
How did Church-State Relations develop under Hitler?
During the Inter War period, what factors contributed to the rise of the Nazis?
How did Hitler’s foreign policies lead to World War II?
Britain, France and the Twentieth Century
Sample essay: What were the causes and consequences of The Jarrow March, October 1936?
Topic 4: Division and Realignment in Europe
The Sovietisation of Eastern Europe
Case Study: The 1956 Hungarian Uprising
The Establishment and Evolution of the EEC
Case Study: The 1973 Oil Crisis
The Soviet economy (1945-92)
Case Study: The Second Vatican Council
Topic 5: European retreat from Empire and aftermath
The Creation of European Empires
European Empires after WWII
The British and Dutch Empires in Asia
French Withdrawal from Asia
Case Study: British withdrawal from India 426 British and Portuguese Withdrawal from Africa
Case study: The secession of Katanga, 1960-1965
French Decolonisation in Africa and the Algerian War
Post-colonial Immigration in Europe
Case study: Race Relations in France in the 1980s
Sample essay
To what extent did race become a major issue in Britain and/or in France? (2009)
Why did Katanga secede from the Congo and why did the secession bring about international involvement? (2019)
Topic 6: the United States and the World
Perspective: Politics and administration
Sample essay: politics and administration.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Lyndon Johnson as a political leader? (2014)
What were the significant developments in U.S. foreign policy from 1973-1987? (2007)
Perspective: religion, culture and science
Sample essay: religion, culture and science
What was the importance of one or more of the following: McCarthyism; the Moon Landing, 1969; developments in information technology? (2006)
Why did the U.S. lose the Vietnam War and/or what was the significance of the Moon landing? (2011)
Perspective: economy and society
Sample essay: economy and society
What were the main developments in race relations in the US, 1945 – 1968? (2013)
Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott take place, how was it carried out, and to what extend was it successful? (2015)
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