Comparative | General Vision and Viewpoint | Citizen Kane, The Dead and Wuthering Heights

2007 Higher Level Paper II ‘The general vision and viewpoint is shaped by the reader’s feelings of optimism or pessimism in reading the text.’  In light of the above statement,…

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Comparative | Cutural Context | The Great Gatsby, All My Sons, The King’s Speech

“The cultural context can have a significant influence on the behaviour of the central character/characters in a text.” Compare the way in which the behaviour of the central characters in…

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Comparative | Cutural Context | The Great Gatsby, The Plough and the Stars, The King’s Speech

“Deep-seated attitudes and expectations illustrate the possibility or impossibility of social change in texts”.  Discuss, comparing all three of the texts that you have studied for your comparative course. You…

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Comparative – General Vision and Viewpoint – Sample Essay: Foster, The King’s Speech and The Plough and the Stars #625Lab

“The general vision and viewpoint of a text can be determined by the success or failure of a central character in his/her efforts to achieve fulfilment.” In the light of the…

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Comparative | King Lear | Cultural Context, Literary Genre, General Vision and Viewpoint

You may also like: Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert English and King Lear: Full Guide for Leaving Cert English CULTURAL CONTEXT Shakespearean works often resonate with existing stories. The Bard adapts a general…

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