Leaving Cert English Personal Essay: Useless Clutter #625Lab
The village shops in Sara Baume’s novel contain a “surplus of useless clutter”. Write a personal essay in which you reflect on the “useless clutter” that is a feature of…
The village shops in Sara Baume’s novel contain a “surplus of useless clutter”. Write a personal essay in which you reflect on the “useless clutter” that is a feature of…
Write a speech for or against the topic 'Social Media is dangerous' to be delivered to your fellow classmates and teachers.This is an essay from a current Leaving Cert student.…
“Ní Chuilleanáin’s demanding subject matter and formidable style can prove challenging.” Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with reference to the poetry of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin on your course. This…
My approach to Higher Level Maths The author got 97.5% in his Higher Level Maths paper in 2017. If you are struggling with Maths, we have a HL Maths for…
“Significant events in texts and the impact they have on readers often help to clarify the general vision and viewpoint of those texts”This is a very good essay from a…
"The general vision and viewpoint is shaped by the reader’s feeling of optimism or pessimism in reading the text.’’ In the light of the above statement, compare the general vision…
Find ready-made Leaving Cert study plans here. You may also like our Mock Study Planner. Some last minute pre-exam tips from us in this Irish Times article, Trust your process,…
We have asked the Snapfam to share their experience of the Leaving Cert in 2017. Emily Bollard:"When someone tells you 'Everything will work out in the end', they really do…
This is a sample essay from our Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert Irish. Maidir leis an scéal béaloidis Oisín i dTír na nÓg, déan plé gairid ar: (i) An pháirt…
Summary: the speaker observes a woman singing and it brings back childhood memories for him. The bits in bold are suggested quotations. Note the strict AABB-type rhyming scheme in the…
“Larkin’s poems often reveal moments of sensitivity which lessen the disappointment and cynicism found in much of his work.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? Support your…
The exam structure is unchanged. The marking schemes are as they were before. The bell curve is still there, though it won't be as granular. The CAO application process is…
Philip Larkin would be an excellent choice if he's on the paper - and there is a good chance he will be. Why is he likely to be on? - He hasn't…
How many quotations should you have in your poetry essay?About 10-25, depending on their length. It's best to look at examples (all H1, all free to read):The poetry of T. S. Eliot – a personal…
Who should be studying during the summer? Sixth year is a time when you're not only expected to prepare for pressurised exams, but also make decisions about your future.…
Gan aon agó, baineann maitheas agus donas le meáin chumarsáide an lae inniu. Is ábhar é seo atá go mór i mbéal an phobail le fada an lá agus cúis…
“Ní Chuilleanáin’s demanding subject matter and formidable style can prove challenging.” Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with reference to the poetry of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin on your course. …
Here are six good reasons to change your mind : 1. You realised that you only put down a certain course because you thought that you'd never get the points…
Write a descriptive essay based on a variety of glimpsed moments.You may also like: What is a descriptive essay?In an instant the playful breeze had metamorphosed, blowing brisk and blustery.…
Write a personal essay on the tension you find between the everyday treadmill and the gilded promises of life. (2013) Themes: social norms, choice, philosophy, religion ‘To live is the…
Write a personal essay about one or more moments of uncertainty you have experienced. Themes: social disadvantage, divorce, homelessness Note: this is a personal essay, but it has a plot…
"The pain of saying goodbye and moving on". Write a short story based on the above phrase. I awake with a deep pain beneath my left breast. Hunger gnaws at my…
“Moments of discovery and a carefully controlled writing style characterised the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop.” Discuss with reference to the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop on your course. See another answer…
Opinion questions can examine a wide range of topics such as racism, the environment, the government, technology, terrorism, the media, immigration, homelessness or drug and alcohol abuse Prepare some answers but…
“Throughout the play "Hamlet", Shakespeare makes effective use of a variety of dramatic techniques to evoke a world full of deception and corruption.” Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with…
Death and EnginesYou may also like: Full notes on Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (€)Summary: the poet wrote this around the time of her father’s death. The premise of the poem is that a…
This is probably the most commonly asked question on our Instagram etc. If you are asking, you should probably go poem by poem. It is simply easier. Virtually all poetry…
Nutrition Autotrophic: makes own food Heterotrophic: takes in food Photosynthesis: uses light energy. Herbivore: eats plants. Chemosynthesis: uses chemical energy Carnivores: eats animals. Omnivores: eats plants & animals. Digestion is…
What is a descriptive essay? In more familiar terms, a descriptive essay is a mix of - aesthetic (vivid, elaborate, flowery) language like you would find in…
John Donne explores both physical and spiritual aspects of life using skilled logic and wit.Despite the passage of centuries, Donne's poetry continues to engage and challenge readers who come to…
Smoking / Tabagisme (Le tabagisme des jeunes est-il un problème? Pourquoi? Que peut-on faire? Est-ce-que vous fumez? Est-ce-que vous avez déjà essayé de fumer? Pourquoi pensez-vous que les jeunes commencent…
€9 It is a 20,000 word printable pdf download covering over 40 important topics in a 90 words with vocab just like the below, making it super useful for both…
English / L’anglais 1) L’anglais me passionne car je suis bibliophile, je dévore les livres. C’est mon passe-temps préféré. De plus, j’adore écrire des dissertations ou des nouvelles. Je me…
You may also like: Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert English and King Lear: Full Guide for Leaving Cert English Which of you shall we say doth love us most? (King…
"Each text we read presents us with an outlook on life that may be bright or dark, or a combination of both brightness and darkness."In light of the above statement,…
“Eavan Boland’s reflective insights offer fresh perspectives on a range of universal themes.”It seems that with all our Snapchat efforts, people are starting to write in shorter, clearer sentences! However, structure…
As you know, we read your typed-up essays for free and give you feedback (via answer at 625points dot com)There is one mistake that people make time and time again.…
Themes: religion, family Please note that we are apolitical. We just like good essays. This came up on the 2008 paper. This essay is on the short side of the…
This is a regular question for our Instagram Leaving Cert Q&A, so here's the low down, a consensus from people who recently got the H1. You may also like: Complete Guide:…
We're answering recurring questions from Snapchat (six25points) here. All answers relate to Higher Level Irish. You may also like: Guide to Leaving Cert Irish (€) and Irish HL Paper 1 and…
You may also like: Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert English Notes and Sample Answers I am too much in the sun (Hamlet to Claudius) the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish…
1. Ask yourself what it is all for? What are you really after? What tangible real thing will a good Leaving Cert allow you to get? Is it moving out of your home…
This guide aims to replace a revision course for Chemistry at Higher Level. We know how hard it can be, and it is our passion to make it easier for…
1. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekendsMany of you asked how to be less tired during 6th year on Snapchat (six25points).…
Text 1. Question A. (i)Throughout the extract Ray reveals quite a lot about how he is feeling, both emotionally and mentally.From the beginning Ray’s mood seems sombre. He uses dark…
How to allocate your time Using link words General Vision and Viewpoint Cultural Context Writing good introductions for your answers Hamlet The Great Gatsby The King's Speech Leaving…
How to agree and disagree with statements in Paper 2 questions (with examples from King Lear or Hamlet)How to stay relevantThe importance of quotationAvoiding common pitfallsLeaving Cert Sample Answers and…
Leaving Cert English Paper II - agree or disagree with the poetry/single text statement?How to make your Hamlet essay stand out?Leaving Cert Economics 2015 Q answered How to make the…
“But there is hopeful news as well …”You have been elected by your classmates to deliver a speech at your school’s graduation ceremony. Write the text of the speech you…
"How can I make the most of days off and the midterm?" More independent study, eh? More sitting on your own staring at a book and feeling guilty because you…
“Studying a selection of texts helps to highlight how some authors can make more skilful use of the same literary technique than others.” Choose one literary technique common to three texts…
Far from being old fashioned and irrelevant Emily Dickinson’s unique poetic language continues to have both an enduring appeal and universal relevance. Discuss. The poetry of Emily Dickinson is nigh…
'Not all problems are physical'. Write a personal essay about your response to this statement in light of experiences your life that you consider significant. Themes: mental health, anxiety ‘It is…
‘With neuroplasticity, extraordinary change is possible.’ - Rick Hanson The human brain is fascinating to me and while I love that we are all very different, I love too the…
This guide aims to replace a revision course for Economics at Higher Level. We know how hard it can be, and it is our passion to make it easier for…
This guide aims to replace a revision course for Physics at Higher Level. We know how hard it can be, and it is our passion to make it easier for…
Here is what we've learnt from our own mistakes, reading your essays and the Examiners:1. Use of language:- avoid "fancy" words, especially if you aren't too sure what they mean. Never…
What are some things about Frost’s subject matter and imagery that make him stand out? His poetry is down-to-earth colloquial and traditional at the same time. It is traditional in…
We partner with TheMathsTutor.ie FAQ Do they do Higher Level? Yes! Do they do Ordinary Level? Yes! Does it work on mobile? Yes! On desktop? Yes! iPad? Galaxy Tab? Yes…
Trigonometry proof: tan (A+B), and solve a trigonometry equation with a graphic solution from 2015 Leaving Cert Higher Level Paper 2 Question 5 If you like it, use the discount code…
Calculus: differentiation, chain rule - and related equations from 2015 Leaving Cert Higher Level Paper 1 Question 8. If you like it, use the discount code 625POINTS to get a discount…
Geometry of the circle: cosine rule, quadratic equation, inverse tan, right angled triangle explained from 2015 Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths Paper 2 Question 9 Start with a FREE trial first.…
Statistics: confidence interval, level of significance, p-value etc from 2015 Leaving Cert Higher Level Paper 2 Question 2 If you like The Maths Tutor, use the discount code 625POINTS20 to get…
Geometry of the circle, area of a quadrilateral, area of a complex shape explained from 2015 Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths Paper 2 Question 7. If you like it, use the…
If you like it, use the discount code 625POINTS to get a discount on your membership. Leaving Cert English Sample Essay and Notes Follow @625points
Theorem 11. If 3 parallel lines cut off equal segments on some transversal line, then they cut off equal segments on any other transversal. If you like it, use the…
“John Keats presents abstract ideas in a style that is clear and direct.” To what extent do you agree or disagree with this assessment of his poetry? Support your points…
We interviewed Caoimhe, who is currently repeating her Leaving Cert having missed her Primary Teaching course by only 15 points. Our aim was to get the lessons she learnt from…
Write a personal essay about one or more moments of uncertainty you have experienced. Themes: sexuality, social conflict Candidates may adopt a variety of approaches (serious, humorous, anecdotal, discursive,…
Summary: the speaker engages in a fantasy escaping his reality inspired by a nightingale. This poem is special. It is one of literature’s most famous lyrical poems, meaning it focuses…
“Hopkins’ innovative style displays his struggle with what he believes to be fundamental truths.” In your opinion, is this a fair assessment of his poetry? Support your answer with suitable…
The oral is worth 40% of both the Higher and Ordinary exam. The Sraiths are a vital component, and if you are well prepared, will settle you before the general…
For those of you who are interested in writing a short story in Paper 1, here is a schematic of what makes a good hero and a good story -…
The light microscope parts and functions: Eyepiece lens: magnification Nosepiece: holds the objective lenses Objective lens: magnification Clip: holds the slide in place Stage: the slide is placed on the…
The Great Gatsby plot summary. Freshen up before you do your essays!You may also like:The Great Gatsby: Intimate and Complex FriendshipThe Great Gatsby Sample Answer & Notes: Idealism and CorruptionComplete…
This post has been archived. You may also like: Full Notes on Macbeth (€) You may also like: Macbeth Sample Answer: Kingship Macbeth Sample Answer: Appearance Versus Reality Macbeth, Sample Answer…
What was the contribution of the Apprentice Boys of Derry to the celebration of religious and cultural identity among that city’s unionist minority? (2006)The Apprentice Boys of Derry, founded in…
“What seems to be the problem…?”Write the speech you would deliver to a group of world leaders in which you persuade them to deal with one or more of the…
Our team is only a few years older than Leaving Cert students on average. We are just as attached to our phones as you are. This post in on how…
“I know one thing: that I know nothing.” - Socrates 1. Before you start anything, you need to have absolute clarity of purpose This means you need to have…
There is a huge focus on health and wellbeing in social media at the moment. Much of it is marketing supplements. We have teamed up with Tomas Conefrey, the Superintendant…
I remember going to bed that Tuesday night like it was yesterday. After a long stretch of things not going my way, I was sort of ambivalently welling up in…
Timeline: The US and the world, 1945-1989Perspective: Politics and AdministrationImportant contextual information: US Government structureDon't miss out on the latest A1 notes and tips from top Leaving Cert performers!The Federal…
“What were the strengths and weaknesses of Lyndon Johnson as a political leader?” This is an essay from our History guide. 2014 Higher Level Paper, Section 3, Topic 6 (THE…
How to deal with study-related anxiety? 1. Don't hate yourself for feeling anxious Our brains are amazing at one particular thing: getting us out of dodge alive. This is why…
“Boland’s reflective insights are expressed through her precise use of language.” Write your response to this statement, supporting your answer with suitable reference to the poetry on your course. (2011 HL…
“John Donne uses startling imagery and wit in his exploration of relationships.” Give your response to the poetry of John Donne in the light of this statement. Support your points…
The Dreame (Deare love, for nothing less than thee…) From our Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert English Dear love, for nothing less than thee Would I have broke this happy…
Biology: The study of living organisms Different areas of biology: Botany – study of plants Microbiology – study of small living things, such as bacteria Zoology – study of animals…
HL Paper 1 Section C A versatile short story. This story is written in a way that could be altered on exam day to fit into a broad range of…
2016 HL Paper I Section CBased on a student's essayWrite a short story that centres on two characters and a car journeyJoe grimaced as his car slid to a stop…
SoundDon't miss out on the latest A1 notes and tips from top Leaving Cert performers!Every source of sound is a vibrating object.Sound is a longitudinal mechanical wave.We know this because…
Nuclear FissionNuclear Fission: is the splitting up of a large nucleus into two smaller nuclei of roughly the same size with the release of energy.Discovered in 1939 by Hahn and…
Collision theoryDon't miss out on the latest A1 notes and tips from top Leaving Cert performers!This accounts for the factors that influence the rate of reaction.For a reaction to occur…
Oxidation and ReductionIn the PastOxidation: was the addition of oxygen to a substance.Reduction: was the removal of oxygen from a substance or, in some cases, the addition of hydrogen.NowadaysNowadays oxidation…
Fiscal Policy is defined as any action taken by the government which affects the size or composition of government revenue and expenditure. Read the full chapter here: The Government…
Characteristics of a Good Tax System Read the full chapter here: The Government and the Economy - Fiscal Policy The Canons of Taxation: 1. Equity Tax rates should be fair:…
2014 Higher Level Paper II “The cultural context within a text often dictates the crises or difficulties faced by characters and their responses to these difficulties.” (a) Discuss to what…