Leaving Cert English Comparative – General Vision and Viewpoint – The Fault in Our Stars, Children of Men and 1984 #625Lab

“Significant events in texts and the impact they have on readers often help to clarify the general vision and viewpoint of those texts”This is a very good essay from a…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – General Vision and Viewpoint – Wuthering Heights, Hamlet and Rear Window #625Lab

"The general vision and viewpoint is shaped by the reader’s feeling of optimism or pessimism in reading the text.’’ In the light of the above statement, compare the general vision…

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Write a personal essay on the tension you find between the everyday treadmill and the gilded promises of life

Write a personal essay on the tension you find between the everyday treadmill and the gilded promises of life. (2013) Themes: social norms, choice, philosophy, religion ‘To live is the…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – General Vision and Viewpoint – Sample Essay: Foster, Juno and All My Sons

"Each text we read presents us with an outlook on life that may be bright or dark, or a combination of both brightness and darkness."In light of the above statement,…

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Leaving Cert English Paper II - agree or disagree with the poetry/single text statement?How to make your Hamlet essay stand out?Leaving Cert Economics 2015 Q answered How to make the…

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Comparative – Literary Genre – Sample Essay: 1984, Rear Window, The Song of Achilles

“Studying a selection of texts helps to highlight how some authors can make more skilful use of the same literary technique than others.” Choose one literary technique common to three texts…

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Leaving Cert English Emily Dickinson Sample Answer: Enduring Appeal and Universal Relevance

Far from being old fashioned and irrelevant Emily Dickinson’s unique poetic language continues to have both an enduring appeal and universal relevance. Discuss. The poetry of Emily Dickinson is nigh…

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  • Post published:June 7, 2016
  • Post category:Physics

SoundDon't miss out on the latest A1 notes and tips from top Leaving Cert performers!Every source of sound is a vibrating object.Sound is a longitudinal mechanical wave.We know this because…

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Characteristics of a Good Tax System Read the full chapter here: The Government and the Economy - Fiscal Policy The Canons of Taxation: 1. Equity Tax rates should be fair:…

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Comparative | Cultural Context | Wuthering Heights, The King’s Speech and The Plough and The Stars

2014 Higher Level Paper II “The cultural context within a text often dictates the crises or difficulties faced by characters and their responses to these difficulties.”  (a) Discuss to what…

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