Cultural Context – I’m Not Scared, Macbeth, Death and Nightingales #625Lab

“The main characters in the text are often in conflict with the world or culture in which they inhabit”. (2009) #625Lab. This essays is beautifully focused on the question. However, the…

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Literary Genre – The Artist, A Doll’s House and Death and Nightingales for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

"The creation of memorable characters is part of the art of good story telling". Write an essay comparing the ways in which memorable characters were created and contributed to your…

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Cultural Context – Macbeth, The Fault in Our Stars, Rear Window for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

The world in which a character lives shapes the person that they become. Write an essay comparing the cultural context and how it affects the lives of the characters of…

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GVV – Macbeth, I’m Not Scared and Death and Nightingales for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“A variety of factors in texts can change or reinforce our initial impression of the general vision and viewpoint”. (2017) #625Lab. This essay raises a lot of points I don't agree…

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GVV – The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights and The Plough and the Stars for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

"Each text we read presents us with an outlook on life that may be bright or dark, or a combination of both". Discuss, with reference to the three texts you…

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GVV – Death and Nightingales, A Doll’s House, Juno for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“Significant events in texts and the impact they have on readers often help to clarify the general vision and viewpoint of those texts”. With reference to three texts on your…

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Cultural Context – I’m Not Scared, The Great Gatsby, The Plough and the Stars for Leaving Cert English

Understanding who holds power and who is powerless helps to reveal the cultural context in texts. #625Lab. This essay is en route to a H1. Why? Clearly structured, genuinely engaged with…

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Literary Genre – The Great Gatsby, The Plough and the Stars, Children of Men for Leaving Cert English

“Write an essay on one or more of the aspects of literary genre (the way texts tell their stories) which you found most interesting in the texts you studied in…

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Cultural Context – I’m Not Scared, The Great Gatsby, All My Sons for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“The world of a text, and how it affects the behaviour of central characters, can influence a reader’s response to the events that take place”. With the Comparative, you will…

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Literary Genre – I’m Not Scared, Foster, Big Maggie for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

Using one comparative text that you have studied explain how the author uses literary techniques to create a compelling story. There is a reason I tell people who aren't mad…

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Cultural Context – I’m Not Scared, Foster, The Plough and The Stars for Leaving Cert English

“The cultural context can have a significant influence on the behaviour of the central character/characters in a text. Compare the way in which the behaviour of the central characters in…

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Cultural Context: A Doll’s House, I’m Not Scared and The Plough and the Stars for Leaving Cert English

“Understanding who holds power and who is powerless helps to reveal the cultural context in texts”. Compare how the distribution of power within each of the three texts on your…

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Term dates 2018/2019

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  • Post published:February 24, 2018
  • Post category:News

Mid-term break (October 2018)Schools close: Monday 29th October 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018 (inclusive).Christmas 2018 Schools close: the last day of term is Friday 21st December 2018. Schools re-open on…

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Cultural Context – The Great Gatsby, Children of Men and The Plough and The Stars for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

Understanding the cultural context of a text allows you to see how values and attitudes are shaped. Show how this statement applies to one of the texts on your comparative…

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Eavan Boland’s use of symbols and metaphors to deliver truths about society for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

Boland makes effective use of symbols and metaphors to explore personal experiences and deliver penetrating truths about society. (2017) #625Lab Another super long essay from someone very knowledgeable, too knowledgeable…

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Literary Genre in The Great Gatsby, All My Sons and I’m Not Scared for Leaving Cert Comparative #625Lab

"Authors can use various techniques to make settings real and engaging." #625Lab The author took on the challenging literary genre question - and did so quite well!  I have studied…

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The Great Gatsby: readers are influenced by the narrator, Nick Carraway for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“Readers of The Great Gatsby are greatly influenced by the narrator, Nick Carraway.” Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with suitable reference to the text. (2013) #625Lab "The Great Gatsby" written by…

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General vision and viewpoint – Foster, I’m Not Scared and The Plough and The Stars #625Lab

“The general vision and viewpoint is shaped by the reader’s feeling of optimism or pessimism in reading the text.” This is a very good essay! #625Lab For me, the General Vision…

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Cultural Context – Juno, Foster, The Plough and The Stars for Leaving Cert English

“Understanding the cultural context of a text adds to our enjoyment of a good narrative.”  In the light of the above statement write an essay comparing the cultural contexts of…

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Cultural Context – Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby and The Plough and the Stars for Leaving Cert English

''In any cultural context, deeply embedded values and attitudes can be difficult to change''. Compare the extent to which the above statement is valid in relation to your understanding of…

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General Vision and Viewpoint – The Great Gatsby, Juno, The Plough and The Stars for Leaving Cert English

"A variety of factors in texts can change or reinforce our initial impression of the general vision and viewpoint of a text." Compare the main factor or actors that changed…

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Cultural Context – Big Maggie, The Great Gatsby and Juno for Leaving Cert English

“In any cultural context, deeply embedded values and attitudes can be difficult to change.” Compare the extent to which the above statement is valid in relation to your understanding of at…

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General Vision and Viewpoint: Big Maggie, Foster, I’m Not Scared for Leaving Cert English

“The general vision and viewpoint of a text can be determined by the success or failure of a central character in his/her efforts to achieve fulfilment” (70 marks)   #625Lab…

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Cultural Context – Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby, The Plough and The Stars for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

"The main characters in texts are often in conflict with the world or culture they inhabit" In light of the above statement, compare how the main characters interact with the…

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Cultural Context – Stop at Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story, Macbeth, The Fault in Our Stars for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“The cultural context within a text often dictates the crises or difficulties faced by characters and their responses to these difficulties.”  (a) Discuss to what extent this statement applies to…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – General Vision and Viewpoint – Foster and Juno

“The general vision and viewpoint is shaped by the reader's feeling of optimism and pessimism in reading the text” The author added a note with her essay:  "I mainly struggle…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – Cultural Context – I’m not Scared, Wuthering Heights

“The issue of social class is important in shaping our understanding of the cultural context of a text” Compare the importance of social class in shaping your understanding of the…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – Theme or Issue – Wuthering Heights, The King’s Speech, The Plough and The Stars #625Lab

"A readers view of a theme or issue can be either changed or reinforced through interaction with texts". Compare the extent to which your understanding of a theme or issue was…

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Leaving Cert Comparative Study – Theme or Issue – Othello, A Doll’s House and The King’s Speech #625Lab

“Some texts leave readers with a largely idealistic impression of a theme or issue, while others leave readers with a more realistic or believable impression of the same theme or…

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Leaving Cert English Comparative – Literary Genre – Circle of Friends, The Plough and The Stars and The King’s Speech #625Lab

Write an essay on one or more of the aspects of literary genre which you found most interesting in the texts you have studied on your comparative course. This is…

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