Sibling rivalry in “King Lear” for Leaving Cert English #625Lab
“King Lear” explores the theme of sibling rivalry in a dramatic and interesting way. (2010 mock) Feedback: H2. All the details in the comments in text. You may also like…
“King Lear” explores the theme of sibling rivalry in a dramatic and interesting way. (2010 mock) Feedback: H2. All the details in the comments in text. You may also like…
“Hopkins’ innovative style displays his struggle with what he believes to be fundamental truths.” In your opinion, is this a fair assessment of his poetry? Support with suitable reference to…
"A reader can feel uncomfortable with certain aspects of the cultural context presented in texts." Compare the extent to which aspects of the cultural context that you encountered, in at…
Updated November 2024 Table of Contents Paper Structure for LC HL French The Written Production Section Question 1 Question 2 Questions 3–6 Predictions for Opinion Pieces What to revise …
The impact of WW2 on the North and South. This is a student essay corrected by an SEC examiner, marked 70/100. The feedback is in italics. You may also like H1…
President Roosevelt’s Diplomatic Achievements and his Impact on the Development of the Foreign Policy of the United States of America. "Your great work in world politics this summer, will be,…
Would you agree that Terence O’Neill was a failure as a political leader? Argue your case. This is a student submission corrected by an examiner, 51/100 with detailed feedback. It would be…
Claudia is an Irish student who completed her Leaving Cert in 2023. She went through the application process without any external help and now she studies Bachelors of Science (Honours)…
Compare the extent to which the authors of three texts on your comparative course use setting or aspects of setting to help define and develop characters. Develop your answer with…
Compare the extent to which the expression of individuality or divergence from social or cultural norms is tolerated within the cultural context of each of at least two texts on…
Compare how comprehensively similar or different ethical (moral) questions are explored in the treatment of the same theme or issue, in at least two texts on your comparative course. Develop…
Compare the reasons why you found the exploration of the same theme or issue through understanding what influences or motivates one central character, from 3 texts on your comparative course,…
Updated January 2025 You may also like: Biology Study Plan Biology Notes (€) Table of Contents Predictions 2025 Exam layout Exam Layout in 2025 LC Biology paper layout (without adjustments) General…
Updated January 2025 The Later Modern History course for the Leaving Cert is very broad, with a maximum of 12 possible topics to cover, each with multiple sub topics. Often,…
Get set for Leaving Cert English with our "predictions" for both Paper 1 and 2 for June 2024. We identify key poets, Comparative and Composing priorities.
Tips from Bryan who achieved H1s with 99% in Maths and 100% in each of Physics and Chemistry this year. He offers some tough love in this one, but I…
Discuss how successfully, in your opinion, Sylvia Plath uses stylistic features in an innovative way to convey both overwhelming wonder and unsettling menace in her work. Develop your response with…
The Health Professions Admissions Test is part of the entry requirements for Medicine in Ireland. As you can imagine, there is a doctor in the house (or 10), so we…
Updated January 2025 Table of contents Introduction Geography HL Predictions 2025 Topics that you must cover Track record Historical tables of patterns in Leaving Cert Geography Introduction Simply put, there…
"Hearth Lesson" by Paula Meehan for Leaving Cert English You may also like: Complete Guide to Paula Meehan for Leaving Cert Introduction: The poet speaks about how she is often…
The study of a theme or issue can offer a reader valuable lessons and insights. Discuss, with reference to a theme or issue in the three texts you have studied. Feedback: - note the…
During the period 1945 - 1989, to what extent did the movement for racial equality achieve meaningful change in the US? (Higher Level 2019) Cumulative Marks: 78/60 - Due to the wealth of information and number…
Write a descriptive essay in which you capture the beauty of the natural world (Mock exam 2023) Feedback: It is excellent, H1, very good length and interesting structure. I think…
How effective a leader was Josef Stalin during World War II Essay credit: Conor Gleeson. Graded 82/100 You may also like: To what extent did Lenin and/or Stalin bring about…
You may also like: D.H. Lawrence for Leaving Cert English Write an introduction to the poetry of D.H. Lawrence for readers new to his work. In your answer you should…
Below is a poem that you can use to practice unseen poetry for English Paper 2. A few hints: look out for the structure (the rhyming scheme and the volta)…
This essay is corrected as 95/100 with detailed feedback at the bottom of this essay. Essay credit: Aisling Walsh. You may also like Complete guide to Leaving Cert History The…
The 2025 guide is for students who plan to graduate in 2025. If you are graduating in 2026, please use the Complete Guide: H1 Leaving Cert English Guide 2026.…
If you are sitting the Leaving Cert in 2025, please refer to History 2025. This is a distilled set of notes with H1 past paper answers. It is 574…
Updated January 2025 You may also like: Leaving Cert Chemistry Notes (€) Table of contents Predictions 2025 General patterns of LC Chemistry questions Deferred papers and their impact on the main…
Updated January 2025 Table of contents Predictions 2025 Deferred papers and their impact on the main sitting of the Leaving Cert General patterns of LC Physics questions Track record 2024:…
Updated January 2025 It is virtually impossible to correctly predict what questions and topics will come up on the Leaving Cert Irish Higher Level paper. We can, however, study past…
This is a compact set of "Othello" quotes for Leaving Cert English that will get you through an "Othello" single text question. You may also like: Complete Guide to Leaving…
COVID-19 update Given the rapidly evolving situation with Leaving Cert 2020 results, we advise that you use the following resources for guidance: State Examination Commission SEC Central Applications Office CAO…
This guide aims to replace a revision course for Biology at Higher Level. We know how hard it can be, and it is our passion to make it easier for…
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We know how hard it can be, and it is our passion to make it easier for current students. Our team, composed of people who got 625+ points, distilled our…
Les vacances dans un camping Vous avez passé vos vacances en famille dans un camping. Quel désastre! Tout était affreux: les installations, la nourriture... tout. Même le temps était mauvais!…
Pollution / La pollution (1. Est-ce-que vous considérez que la pollution est un problème dans votre ville?) La pollution est un vrai problème dans ma ville. En été, ça devient…
Please note, 625points is apolitical. The purpose of this sample essay is to offer help with your French exam rather than to comprehensively address any political issue. You may also…
“Le terrorisme est le premier problème de sécurité des Etats au 21e siècle - autant en Occident que dans le reste du monde". Que pensez-vous de cette déclaration? Je suis…
The Eighth Amendment (termination) / Le huitième amendement (IVG) You may also like: Complete Guide to LC French and French in 90 words (€). À mon avis, en 2018, le…
#625Lab – History, marked 78/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). The factors that contributed to the partition of Ireland between the period…
#625Lab – History, marked 88/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). What was the contribution of James Connolly and/or Jim Larkin to the…
How did the Irish government contribute to the consolidation of democracy 1922-1932? #625Lab – History, marked 72/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€).…
Write a speech, for a class debate for or against the motion: “Young people should travel and see the world before joining the workforce or furthering their education.” (2016 composition…
The Controversies surrounding the treaty negotiations 1921. #625Lab – History, marked 80/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Essay credit: Ciara McCarthy…
Table of Contents Introduction Predictions 2025 Microeconomics Predictions Market Structures Elasticity Supply and Demand Analysis Market Failures Macroeconomics Predictions Inflation Fiscal Policy National Income Economic Growth Track Record What we…
Write an article for a popular magazine in which you outline your views about the impact of technology on the lives of young people. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner,…
Write a descriptive essay which captures a sense of the difference between dawn and dusk and celebrates both the beginning and the end of the day (2019) Ever wonder what…
What were the causes of World War I? #625Lab – History, marked 88/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). By mid-1914 for…
Write a short story in which a ghostly presence plays a significant part. #625Lab. Corrected by Ms Shannon Boyle, who corrects for SEC and mock providers, graded as 80/100 with…
A reader can feel greatly heartened or be left despondent by the general vision and viewpoint of a text. Compare how the general vision and viewpoint of three texts studied…
Write a short story in which the main character is transformed when faced with a daunting challenge. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 91/100 with feedback on how…
“Compelling storytelling can be achieved in a variety of ways”. (Literary Genre 2015) (a) Identify 2 literary techniques found in one text you have studied. Discuss the extent to which…
Some texts leave readers with a largely idealistic impression of a theme or issue, while others leave readers with a more realistic or believable impression of the same theme or…
#625Lab. Corrected by experienced examiner, graded as H2 with feedback on how to improve below. You may also like: Leaving Cert English Complete Guide (€). The study of a theme or issue…
Write a discursive essay where you consider the role of leaders and leadership. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 89/100 with feedback on how to improve below. You…
#625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 82/100 with feedback on how to improve below. You may also like: Leaving Cert English Complete Guide (€). Good afternoon adjudicators, fellow…
Write a personal essay on what you perceive to be the pleasures particular to you. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 83/100 with feedback on how to improve…
"When I was eighteen, I couldn’t wait to get out of that town". Write a short story in which a young character is eager to leave home. #625Lab. Corrected by…
The threat and use of physical force had massive effects on Ireland from 1912-1923. The foundation of two armed groups, the Ulster Volunteers and the Irish volunteers, both with vastly opposing aims, gave rise to an era of conflict in Ireland.
Write a personal essay on a time in your life in which you felt you were treated unfairly. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 79/100 with feedback on…
What caused the Government of Ireland Act 1920 to come into legislation? #625Lab – History, marked 70/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€).…
During the period 1922-39, who achieved more in Anglo-Irish relations, Cosgrave or De Valera? Argue your case, referring to both. #625Lab – History, marked 87/100, detailed feedback at the very…
Significant events and the impact they have on us help to clarify the general vision and viewpoint of the texts. Do you agree? #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded…
What were the social and economic problems facing Germany 1920-39 and how were they dealt with? #625Lab – History, marked 80/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also…
What were the main developments in race relations in the US, 1945-1968? #625Lab – History, marked 87/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€).…
Significant events in texts and the impact they have on readers often help to clarify the general vision & viewpoint of those texts. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded…
A variety of factors in texts can change or reinforce our initial impression of the general vision and viewpoint (2017) #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 42/70 with…
To what extent did Lenin and/or Stalin bring about social and economic change? #625Lab – History, marked 70/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History…
What was the contribution of Martin Luther King to the Montgomery bus boycott and to other aspects of US life? #625Lab – History, marked 85/100, detailed feedback at the very…
During the period 1945-1989, what was the importance of US foreign policy of one or more of the following: Berlin, Korea, Cuba? #625Lab – History, marked 70/100, detailed feedback at…
The Achievements of the Cumann na nGaedheal Government 1923-1932 #625Lab – History, marked 89/100, detailed feedback at the very bottom. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Credit: Eimear O’Sullivan The Cumann…
The general vision and viewpoint of a text can be shaped by the reader's attitude to a central character. Compare the extent to which your attitude to a central character…
“A theme or issue can reveal a character’s strengths or weaknesses”. a) With reference to one text on your comparative course, discuss how a theme or issue revealed a character's…
“In many texts, a theme or issue may not be resolved to the complete satisfaction of the reader.” (a) Discuss the extent to which a theme or issue is resolved…
Assess the provisions of the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) and consider the principal arguments for and against it. #625Lab – History. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Credit: Eimear O'Sullivan The truce…
Key moments in texts can influence our sense of the general vision and viewpoint. (a) Discuss the extent to which your sense of the general vision and viewpoint of one…
Write a discursive essay in which you explore the positive and negative aspects of different types of advertising. #625Lab Feedback: this is a decent attempt at a discursive essay. This sort…
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Eamon de Valera as a political leader? #625Lab – History. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Credit: Ellis Byrne. Eamon de Valera was…
This is our first foray into Spanish, so all feedback is welcome! You may also like: Guide to Leaving Cert Spanish Oral Useful Phrases Tengo muchas ganas de. I am…
“The general vision and viewpoint of a text can be changed or reinforced by the ending of a text”. #625Lab. Corrected by experienced examiner, graded as H3 with feedback on…
How radical was the economic and social policy adopted by Fianna Fail after 1932 compared to Cumann na nGaedheal? #625Lab – History. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Credit: Ellis…
This is our first foray into Spanish, so all feedback is welcome! You may also like: Diary entries for Leaving Cert Spanish Hay que prohibir los zoos Sin duda este…
How effective a leader was Winston Churchill or Josef Stalin during World War II? #625Lab – History. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Credit: Ellis Byrne. Feedback: This is a…
“Seamus Heaney’s poetry moves between earth bound realities and flights of poetic fantasy”. Discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this view of Heaney’s poetry, supporting your answer…
How did Stalin use propaganda and terror to remain in power? #625Lab – History. You may also like: Leaving Cert History Guide (€). Essay 1 Credit: Brian Ronayne. Feedback: This is a…
“Significant events in texts and the impact they have on readers often helps clarify the general vision and viewpoint of those texts” – with reference to the three texts on…
#625Lab. Corrected and marked by experienced SEC examiners. This page contains non-H1 essays full of feedback that you can learn from. Learn now, in the safety of 625Lab, and avoid…
#625Lab Irish. Corrected and marked by experienced SEC examiner. This page contains essays full of feedback that you can learn from. Learn now, in the safety of 625Lab, and avoid mistakes…
Write a descriptive essay in which you capture how the landscape reflects the transition of the seasons. You may choose to include some or all of the seasons in your essay. (2018)…
Write a personal essay in which you reflect on moments of insight and revelation you have experienced. (2017) #625Lab. Theme: divorce. Some parts of this essay are outstanding, but it…
Q1. (a) Calcium chloride/ calcium sulfate (b) -Rinse a pipette with deionised water and then the hard water using a pipette filler -Pipette 50 cm3 of the water sample into…
A lovely girl who used 625points during her Leaving Cert suggested that she would write about her experience "of dealing with some depression and a lot of anxiety throughout the year…
You can access the paper via the website. No marking scheme is available at the time of writing. You may also like: Leaving Cert Biology. Q1. (a)…